Located aside in the outskirts of Sofia, HOTEL Simona Complex a small hotel tells incredible stories on the walls of its hotel corridors – about glorious rulers, times of trouble and splendid landscapes of natural landmarks. It sounds unbelievable, it is a fact and is exceptional experience for the guests!
The hotel in this event is much more than a “Place for Accommodation”! The wall paintings are developed in two compositions – on the first floor – “Guests from the Past”, and on the second floor – “Bulgaria as Plain as Two Pins”. This is the first of its kind hotel, which tells not any other but the Bulgarian history in beautiful murals in the communal parts of the hotel on the way to the rooms. On the first floor where the composition “Guests from the Past” is located, the artist Emilia Dimitrova unfolds chronologically arranged images, following our history from the times before the yoke and the times of the yoke itself. These two “worlds” are connected in one whole in this composition! This project has surpassed itself! The images of the Bulgarian rulers from the glorious times after year 681 exert such a dazzling effect that whilst you walk step by step forward through the corridor you are transported to a much more different world – of imposing images, showered in gold and colored, red mantles… You say to yourself: “Oh! Is it possible!” You make a few more steps and enter through the “Portal of Suffering” – this is the second part of the same corridor which is separated by a glass door and after it scenes from the Turkish yoke are depicted. They are predominantly in dark nuances, they radiate – sadness, decline… You look at them and your eyes fill with tears! You say to yourself: “How is it possible… 500 years … it is a real miracle that we have survived! We are an extraordinarily strong nation to survive after all this!””… and at some time the corridor ends… Going back you say to yourself: “An incredible hotel”. And this is really so!
The hotel is unbelievable because it unfolds a whole and fast view to the Bulgarian history which is usually served in pieces before the eyes of the observer, to wit, the history of a nation! The guests are impressed not only by the masterly painted walls but also by the significance provided by the entire composition! This is the only hotel which tells the history in images! Images you immerse into, images which penetrate deeply into one’s soul – the affected Bulgarian soul, …. our Bulgarian soul! If the tourist wants to visit an inconceivable place, he should go there! It is more than just a hotel!